This project addresses the fact that buildings are responsible for over 40% of all energy consumption and GHG emissions in the US. The impact of building systems is even more pronounced in dense urban areas like New York City (NYC) where over 75% of GHG emissions come from energy used in buildings. Any transition towards a sustainable NYC will require addressing this energy and pollution intensive built environment. This research proposal aims to integrate data-driven methodologies from information science, social science, network science and urban planning with engineering to increase the energy efficiency and sustainability of urban building systems. Specifically, this project aims characterize the interdependencies between the built, natural and human environments at a community scale and model the impact of potential municipal policy instruments in major US cities and Mumbai, India.
Collaborator(s): Prof. José Moura (ECE, Carnegie Mellon), Prof. Ronita Bardhan (IIT-Bombay), Prof. Constantine Kontokosta (CUSP, NYU)
Funder(s): National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1461549